Free Medical Resources
Get instant access to a wealth of valuable medical resources. Our website,, is available to everyone on the Internet. Our APP,, is available to anyone with a valid email address.
FibonacciMD empowers you to stay informed and enhance your medical knowledge – all for free! All of our articles and recipes are medically reviewed and posted on our website and social media.
​ is now completely free! This free membership grants access to all features currently available on the platform. Get instant access to a wealth of valuable medical resources, all you need is a valid email address. Here's how to unlock the benefits:
1. Sign Up for Free:
Visit or click the LOG-IN link in the top right of every page on our website.
You'll be prompted to enter your valid email address.
You'll automatically be subscribed to their mailing list for future updates (you can unsubscribe anytime).
2. FREE Online CME (Continuing Medical Education for medical professionals):
All are welcome to read the articles, but medical professionals can earn up to 18 hours of AMA PRA Category 1 CME credits with FibonacciMD's online courses.
Click the CME link in the navigation bar.
Peruse the available CME topics and select a CME to read.
To receive your free CME certificate, click on the EARN CME CREDIT NOW button to go to the APP.
Answer the 5-question quiz related to the chosen CME article.
3. APP Features
FibonacciCOMPENDIUM: A comprehensive medical dictionary at your fingertips, providing simplified explanations of medical terms.
Annotate Feature: Take notes, highlight key points, and personalize your learning experience within the app.
Downloadable PDF Library: Access a vast collection of articles, CMEs, InBriefs, Culinary Medicine topics, and health-conscious recipes – all downloadable for offline reference.
and the CME described above.
Start your free journey towards better medical understanding with FibonacciMD today!