New study finds trace metals in tampons, raising health concerns.
Medical News

A study published online in July 2024 reported for the first time on metal substances found in tampons. 30 tampons were tested for arsenic, barium, calcium, cadmium, cobalt, chromium, copper, iron, manganese, mercury, nickel, lead, selenium, strontium, vanadium, and zinc using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, which can test for traces of elements. The researchers found evidence of all of the elements at varying concentrations in the 30 samples. Arsenic was in 95% of the samples, lead and cadmium in 100%. Mercury was found in 8.3% but at very minimal levels. Calcium and zinc were the two highest concentration metals found. The researchers found no difference in metal concentrations between tampons with or without plastic applicators. Non-organic tampons had higher levels of lead, and organic tampons had higher levels of arsenic.
Metals can enter the tampons via raw materials like cotton or rayon by atmospheric deposition or if in the water supply. They can also be contaminants from the manufacturing process or be purposely added by the manufacturer. Calcium, cobalt, chromium, copper, nickel, and zinc may be added for their antimicrobial properties, and those plus iron and manganese may be added for odor control. Calcium, strontium, and zinc may be added as lubricants to aid insertion.
The problematic metals, lead, arsenic, and cadmium are all associated with potentially serious adverse systemic health effects. A previous rat experiment with arsenic vaginal douches or vaginal immersion in an arsenic solution, containing hundreds of times more arsenic than the mean levels found in tampons, found the arsenic solutions caused oxidative stress and triggered inflammation of uterine and ovarian tissue.
The vaginal walls are able to absorb substances and the question is whether women who frequently use tampons are absorbing these substances in high enough levels to cause health problems. Reassuringly, the metals found in tampons were in very low concentration and since tampons are designed to remove fluids, whether any of these metals are actually absorbed vaginally is unknown. More research is needed to find out if in fact there is or is not actually a health problem using tampons with trace metal concentrations over a lifetime.
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Shearston JA et al. Tampons as a source of exposure to metal(loid)s. Environment International. Volume 190, August 2024. Retrieved from:
Smith DG and Katie Mogg K. Concerned About Metals in Tampons? Here’s What to Know. The New York Times. July 11, 2024. Retrieved from:
Irnawati, I et al. The Effect and Activity of Free Radical Enzymes Due to Arsenic Exposure Through the Vulva and Vagina. Open Access Maced J Med Sci 2022, 10, 2279-2285. Retrieved from: