Search Results
55 results found for "Kaplen"
- CME: Diagnosis and Treatment of Four Mosquito-Borne Viral Illnesses
Caplen, MD The Aedes Aegypti Mosquito[1] No other animal infects and causes disease as effectively as
- CME: Solving the Difficult Problem of Medical Errors
Caplen, MD The Institute of Medicine’s landmark report in 1999, "To Err is Human," estimated that there
- CME: Tranexamic Acid, an Antifibrinolytic Drug with a Wide Range of Indications
Caplen, MD Tranexamic acid (TXA) is a useful antifibrinolytic drug synthetic which is a chemical derivative
- CME: The Effects of Plastics on Human Health
Caplen, MD last updated 9/10/24 Plastic was invented in the 1860s and an initial use was in making
- CME: Diagnosis and Treatment of Four Tickborne Diseases
Caplen, MD This article explores the diagnosis and treatment of four tick borne illnesses: Lyme disease
- A Look at Cannabis
Caplen, MD Cannabis Cannabis has been used for thousands of years for its medicinal and psychotropic
- Highly Sensitive Troponin and other Cardiac Biomarkers
Grossberg MD FACC and Stuart M Caplen MD FACEP Diagnosing a classically presenting myocardial infarction